Welcome! Here you can find everything you need during your project from copies of your invoice to how to contact me. You'll have full access to this area throughout your entire project and 30 days after. Don't worry. You'll have ample time to download copies of anything you may need.
How to contact me
If you have any small questions or comments throughout the project, you can email me at chryssy@koloraddikt.com. For anything larger, it's best to wait for our next catch-up call so we can go through it properly.
My work days are from Monday-Friday 9 am - 6 pm EST. Occasionally I take time off for holidays and vacations, if this happens during our project I will let you know in good time. Other than that you can expect intermittent availability around all major holidays including Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, and (ok, not a major holiday) my birthday - January 12th.
Getting Started
Follow these three easy steps to get your project scheduled on our project calendar.
Click the icons to complete each step
If you've completed the onboarding wizard, check back shortly as we update your project links below.
Custom Webs design with Plugins
Essential Automotive
Here you can access and manage the various files for your project, upload documentation and leave feedback.
Project Status:
Scroll Up! We're missing your payment.
Project Manager:
Jessa A.
Projected End Date:
To be calculated
Creative Director:
Chryssy R.
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